Sunday 15 April 2012

RE: Painless Suicide - A Complete Guide To Suicide

So i was googling "painless suicide" and decided to click on the first result that came up. It was a blog post. I started reading it and found myself agreeing to the first couple of paragraphs. This blog post was humorous yet somehow triggered a few tears...although I can only assume that it was due to my highly emotional state. 
Anyway, it goes through a rather broad list of ways to commit suicide and well, the possible outcomes of each. After having read that, I realised that I honestly had never thought about some of those options hard enough. I always thought of suicide as a quick and easy thing. 

The blog entry talks about how suicide can inflict pain on others who supposedly love you. That's the only thing I felt a bit uhh iffy on. Making a choice to end your own life would suggest that you feel as though you have hit rock bottom and ultimately, feel like you have no where left to go and no one loves you. If you feel that no one loves you, then would you care about how others would feel after hearing about your death? Or maybe you would be thinking that they wouldn't even care much at all? 

Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem. I've heard that, but I have always asked myself... Which is worse? Constant suffering with the occasional short-lived moments of euphoria? or Ending your own life and not having to suffer at all?

So here is the link and I highly recommend that you read this if you have been having any suicidal thoughts or know someone who might be: 

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